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How Content Raises Enterprise Value by Contributing to a Growing Pipeline

content strategy Jul 18, 2024
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In the wonderful world of B2B software, marketing budgets are often the most scrutinized, and every dollar spent needs to show a clear return on investment. With this scrutiny, it can be hard to convince leadership to allocate meaningful funds for creative content.


But if content is the bridge between your product and customer—it’s literally the stuff that explains and communicates what you do to your ideal buyers—then why isn’t more budget allocated to this crucial initiative? In our opinion, there are 4 reasons:


1. Leadership may not fully understand the role of content in marketing and sales and how it ultimately contributes to both the top and bottom lines. They might acknowledge the need for it but lack a deep understanding of its impact.


2. Leadership often underestimates the resources required to produce and maintain top-notch branded content. Even with Gen AI, creating high-quality content demands a variety of skilled creative professionals, from content strategists and technical writers to graphic designers and illustrators to motion designers and video editors. These professionals require highly technical expertise on a variety of software platforms and creative thinking.


3. Leadership might not realize that content might take time to work or that it may need continuous updates and improvements to become effective.


4. Leadership may not recognize how content can increase enterprise value over time by contributing to a predictable pipeline and lowering CAC, making the company more appealing to investors.


Here are a few ideas and pitch points you can present to your leadership the next time they hesitate to allocate adequate budgets for content initiatives:


Explain to Leadership How Content Builds Brand Authority

Establishing your company as a thought leader in the industry can set you apart from competitors. High-quality content, like insightful articles, whitepapers, case studies, and visually engaging infographics, builds comprehension of your product and the problems you solve, while also building credibility and trust.

Pitch Point: "By investing in authoritative and visually appealing content, we position our company as a go-to resource in the industry. This not only attracts potential customers but also creates lasting brand loyalty."


Explain to Leadership How Content Enhances Comprehension

Content educates potential customers about your products and services, guiding them through the buyer's journey. Visual content, such as explainer videos and interactive guides, helps leads understand your product so they actually remember you rather than writing you off as too confusing.

Pitch Point: "Educational content, supported by visual aids like videos and infographics, shortens the sales cycle and improves conversion rates. It helps prospects understand our offering's value so they'll actually buy from us."


Explain to Leadership How Content Can Decrease Dependency on Paid Ads, Ultimately Lowering Your CAC

Effective content improves your website's search engine optimization (SEO), driving organic traffic and ensuring a continuous stream of potential leads.

Pitch Point: "Optimized content, including visual blog posts and landing pages, boosts our visibility on search engines, leading to a steady influx of qualified leads without depending solely on paid advertising. Organic content can also be leveraged in paid ads, creating more cohesive marketing."


Explain to Leadership How Content Can Shorten the Sales Cycle

Content equips the sales team with valuable insights and tools to address prospects' pain points, improving their success rate. Visual content like sales decks and product demos is perfect for this.

Pitch Point: "Providing our sales team with relevant content, such as visually compelling case studies and interactive product demos, empowers them to close deals faster and more efficiently."


Explain to Leadership How Content Increases LTV and Loyalty

Content isn't just for acquiring new customers; it's also crucial for retaining existing ones. Regular updates and informative content, including webinars and customer success stories, keep customers engaged and loyal.

Pitch Point: "Engaged and informed customers who regularly consume our visually engaging content are more likely to stay loyal to our brand, leading to a stable and predictable revenue stream."


Explain to Leadership How Content Helps the Company Gain Data-Driven Insights

How your audience reacts to your content generates data about your audience's preferences and behaviors, which can be used to refine marketing strategies and improve effectiveness.

Pitch Point: "Content reaction provides valuable insights that help us tailor our marketing efforts, resulting in higher engagement rates and a more reliable pipeline."


Explain to Leadership How Content Enhances Company Valuation

Investors evaluate various factors when assessing a company's worth. A strong content strategy that ensures a stable pipeline of leads and revenue growth enhances company valuation.

Pitch Point: "Demonstrating a consistent lead pipeline through effective content marketing showcases our growth potential, making us more attractive to investors and enhancing our enterprise value."


Bottom Line

Investing in content is a strategic investment that compounds over time. Allocating a healthy budget for high-quality content creation helps build a stronger and ultimately more valuable company.

To pitch this to leadership, explain content’s role in communicating product value and its ROI using metrics and successful examples. Highlight the skilled professionals needed and outline how the budget will be used, including content types and expected outcomes.

By framing content as a critical component of the company's growth strategy, you'll be better positioned to secure the budget needed to implement a robust content strategy.


If you are a B2B tech marketer in need of strategic content design and production, learn more about how we can help here.

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