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Deciding Who Handles Your Content: A Quick Guide for B2B Software Companies

content operations Jun 05, 2024
Illustration showcasing content creation options for B2B software companies, including in-house teams, freelancers, specialized agencies, and full-service agencies.


In the world of endless software solutions, having killer content is your competitive edge.

Unfortunately, it's not just about having a great product; you need content that clearly and creatively communicates the very real and urgent problem you solve and how your solution is the one and only option.



Creating content that hits the mark isn't easy. It's not just about writing and designing stuff; it's about telling a story that connects with your audience and guides them along their buyer's journey.

And if you're in the B2B software game, things get even trickier. Explaining complex technical software products in a way that's easy to understand and engaging? That's a whole other level of challenge.



Figuring out who's going to handle all that content creation can be a headache. Sometimes you're on a tight budget, or maybe you've got a small team and need extra help to keep up with demand. So, what are your options?

Well, it depends on where you're at as a company:


Option1: In-House Team

If you've got the resources, an in-house team can give you full control over your content. But it can be a bit of a drain on your resources, and you might struggle to keep up with demand.

A word of caution: building a comprehensive content portfolio often requires a team with diverse skill sets. This might include technical writers, graphic designers, animators, illustrators, and a manager to coordinate these roles. Ideally, the manager should have significant experience in creative leadership, as managing a creative team requires unique skills to achieve the best creative output.

Pros: Full control over content creation, ability to maintain brand consistency.

Cons: Resource-intensive, potential need for various specialized skills, management overhead.


Option 2: Freelancers

Freelancers can be a lifesaver when you need extra hands on deck without breaking the bank. They bring specialized skills to the table, but managing them can sometimes feel like herding cats.

Pros: Cost-effective, flexible, access to specialized skills.

Cons: Management challenges, potential inconsistency in quality, availability concerns.


Option 3: Specialized Agencies

These guys know their stuff inside out and can give you a fresh perspective on your content. But they come with a price tag, and you might have less control over the process.

Pros: Industry-specific expertise, fresh perspectives.

Cons: Higher cost, potential loss of control over the process, potentially longer turnaround times.


Option 4: Full-Service Agencies

If you want the whole package, a full-service agency is the way to go. They'll take care of everything for you, from content creation to distribution. But be prepared to pay top dollar for their services.

Pros: Comprehensive services, streamlined processes.

Cons: Highest cost, potential for generic solutions, complex coordination.


Bottom Line

Investing in an effective content creation team can significantly benefit business growth, as content is key for connecting with your audience, building trust, and driving action.

Sometimes, it's not always an either/or situation. You can mix things up by having your own in-house team while also partnering with a specialized agency for extra firepower, for example.

Are you a B2B software company seeking a specialized content creation partner? If you're looking to enhance your content strategy and attract high-quality leads, check out our content membership here.


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