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The Role of Content in B2B Software: Shedding Light on the Dark Funnel

content strategy Jun 04, 2024
A dimly lit tunnel with rough, stone walls, symbolizing the 'dark funnel' in B2B software purchasing. Light is visible at the end of the tunnel, representing the role of content in guiding potential buyers through the research and decision-making process. The image emphasizes the hidden stages of the buyer's journey, where content plays a crucial role in illuminating the path.


Welcome to the intricate world of B2B software purchasing.

This process, often filled with twists and turns, involves multiple stakeholders to make a buying decision.

A crucial part of this journey is the "dark funnel," a term coined by 6sense. It represents the phase when potential customers research and evaluate solutions without directly contacting your company.


Why is the Dark Funnel Important?

Most decision-making happens before potential buyers engage with your sales team. They quietly read content, check reviews, and compare products. Interestingly, only 3% of buyers fill out forms on your website, leaving a significant 97% of the buyer journey untracked if you rely solely on traditional lead-finding methods (6sense).


How can you shed light on this dark funnel?

The answer is content.

Content is the bridge between you and your potential buyer. It's like the cookie sample you give out to entice your ideal customer to eventually buy the whole box.

Content needs to be accessible, engaging, and helpful from the start to influence potential buyers' decisions. By providing specific, valuable information that addresses their queries and concerns, you can prepare them for future sales calls.

This early engagement is crucial for shaping their perceptions and guiding them through their research process.

Great content isn't just about selling your B2B software; it's about building relationships.

By providing valuable, relevant, and consistent information, you demonstrate your expertise and reliability, fostering long-term connections.


Key Benefits of Great Content:

  • Comprehension: Enterprise software can be complex. Well-crafted content like detailed guides, explainer videos, ebooks and whitepapers simplify these complexities, helping prospects quickly grasp your software's value.
  • Shorter Sales Cycle: B2B sales cycles are lengthy due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders. Effective content addresses objections early, educating prospects before the first sales call and accelerating decision-making later on.
  • Trust: Consistently providing valuable, relevant information builds trust between your company and potential customers, fostering long-term business relationships.
  • Scalable Communication: Content enables efficient one-to-many communication, allowing you to share your message widely while keeping it on-brand and accurate. This reach helps you connect with many potential buyers simultaneously.
  • Onboarding: Content aids in onboarding, helping new users understand and utilize your software fully. Well-crafted tutorials, FAQs, and usage scenarios enhance user experience, reducing learning curves and maximizing investment returns.

In the crowded world of B2B software, content acts like a flashlight, guiding potential buyers through the dark funnel. By recognizing its importance and using it effectively, B2B software companies can connect better with their audience, speed up sales, and drive growth.

If you're a B2B software marketer aiming to shed light on your company’s dark funnel with content, discover how we assist high-growth B2B software companies on their journey here.

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