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Architecting Emotional Content: Applying Interior Design and Architecture Principles to B2B Content Marketing

content strategy Jun 06, 2024
Modern farmhouse style living room with a fireplace as the focal point. The room features comfortable sofas with bright neon accent pillows in colors like neon pink, blue, yellow, and green. Above the fireplace, there is a piece of artwork incorporating these neon colors. The overall design blends rustic farmhouse elements with vibrant, modern accents, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.


In the world of B2B marketing, especially for software companies, content creation is often viewed through a technical lens, focusing on features, benefits, and specifications. However, the true power of content lies in its ability to evoke emotions and create experiences that resonate with the audience.

In this article, we want to bring in design principles from other design disciplines, such as home decor and architecture, and showcase how they could be a fun and beneficial way to elevate the same old B2B content creation process.


1. Understanding the Emotional Blueprint

Interior designers and architects understand that their work isn't just about the physical space but about how people feel when they inhabit it. Design can significantly affect our mood—studies have shown that exposure to natural light can improve mood and productivity by up to 20% (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), while cluttered environments can increase stress levels by 30% (Princeton University Neuroscience Institute).

The same principle applies to B2B software content creation. Every piece of content should be designed to evoke specific emotions and responses from your ideal audience. Whether it's a blog post, a white paper, or a case study, the goal is to make the reader feel something—curiosity, excitement, trust, or inspiration.


2. Creating a Welcoming Space

Just as a well-designed room invites people in and makes them feel comfortable and safe, your content should draw readers in and make them want to stay. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Engaging Headlines: Capturing attention with headlines that evoke curiosity and intrigue.
  • Visual Appeal: Using images, videos, and infographics to break up text and add visual interest.
  • Readable Layouts: Organizing content in a way that's easy to digest, with crisp page layouts, clear headings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs.


3. Ergonomic Function and Flow

Like a home optimized for seamless everyday living, great content design ensures that every element serves a purpose and contributes to a smooth user experience. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Logical Structure: Ensuring the content flows logically from one point to the next, guiding the reader through a cohesive narrative.
  • Accessibility: Making content easy to navigate and accessible across various devices and platforms.
  • Actionable Insights: Providing clear, actionable insights and takeaways that help the reader apply the information to their own context.
  • Clarity and Brevity: Getting to the point quickly, making key information easy to locate and understand, just like finding essential items in a well-organized home.


4. The Power of a Focal Point

In great home design and architecture, there is always a focal point—a central element that draws the eye and anchors the space. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Key Message: Clearly defining the central message or takeaway of your content, ensuring it stands out and is easily grasped by the reader.
  • Visual Highlights: Using visuals such as images, infographics, or highlighted text to draw attention to the most important parts and anchor the reader’s focus.
  • Strategic Placement: Positioning your focal points where they naturally capture the reader's attention, such as at the beginning or end of sections, or in prominent visual elements.


5. Building Trust through Authenticity

In interior design and architecture, authenticity in materials and craftsmanship builds unique style. Similarly, authentic content that reflects your brand's voice and values fosters trust with your audience as you are showing up as uniquely you. Just as having a distinct home style reflects your personality, creating content with a unique voice and style showcases your brand's character and identity. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Genuine and Consistent Voice: Maintaining a consistent tone and style across all content to reinforce your brand identity.
  • Real Stories: Sharing real success stories and case studies about your software's impact and expertise.
  • Honest Insights: Providing valuable insights and thought leadership based on your experiences to demonstrate your knowledge in your industry.


6. Crafting Personalized Experiences

Just as a room or building can be tailored to the tastes and needs of its inhabitants, content should be personalized to address the specific pain points and interests of your audience. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Audience Segmentation: Understanding the different segments within your target audience and creating tailored content for each group.
  • Relevant Solutions: Highlighting how your software solutions address the unique challenges faced by different target customers.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive content, such as quizzes, calculators, and webinars, to engage your audience and provide personalized experiences.


7. The Emotional Impact of Storytelling

At the heart of both interior design and architecture is storytelling. Just as architects design buildings to tell a story through their structure, materials, and spaces, a well-told story can transform a piece of content, making it memorable and impactful. How to leverage this in your B2B content creation?

  • Captivating Narratives: Crafting narratives that captivate your audience and keep them engaged from start to finish.
  • Emotional Connections: Creating content that resonates on an emotional level, making your audience feel understood and valued.
  • Clear Calls to Action: Guiding your audience to the next step with clear and compelling calls to action that align with their needs and interests.


8. Applying Interior Design and Architecture Principles to Content Creation


  • Form and Function: Ensure the structure and design of your content align with its purpose.

  • Balance and Symmetry: Organize your content in a balanced manner, using headings, subheadings, and bullet points.

  • Proportion and Scale: Maintain a balance between different sections of your content.

  • Rhythm and Repetition: Establish a rhythm in your content by using consistent themes and repeated visual elements and messages.

  • Unity and Harmony: Maintain a consistent tone, style, and voice across all your content.

  • Contrast and Emphasis: Use contrast to emphasize important points or sections in your content.

  • Simplicity and Clarity: Keep your content concise and to the point, avoiding jargon and complex language.

  • Context and Environment: Tailor your content to fit the context of your audience and platform.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Be creative and innovative in your content with unique angles and fresh ideas.



In B2B marketing for software companies, content isn't just about conveying information—it's about creating experiences that evoke emotion in your audience. By applying principles from home decor and architecture, you can craft content that not only informs the key technical aspects of your software, but also evokes emotions, builds trust, and fosters lasting connections.

Are you a marketer at a high-growth B2B software company in need of creative content to generate high-quality leads and drive sales? Learn more about our content membership here.


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