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Whatโ€™s a Landing Page? Converting Traffic Into Leads

digital marketing Jul 01, 2018

According to Econsultancy, only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.[1] So how can you encourage customers to make the leap and buy?

A landing page is the page where potential customers “land” on your website when they click a link in their Google search results, a paid search ad, or a social media post—any link that directs them back to your website.

Landing pages are a great tool to drive conversions: for different campaigns, that could mean collecting emails for your newsletter, getting signups for an event, or registering new clients for one-on-one consultations. By breaking down the sales process into smaller pieces that require less commitment, you can nurture potential customers along the buyer’s journey until they’re ready to make a purchase.

When they’re specifically designed for a single marketing campaign or promotion, landing pages can effectively convert web traffic into actionable leads.

Studies have shown that more landing pages can lead to a significant spike in lead generation—according to a survey of HubSpot customers, most companies saw a 55% increase in leads when they increased their number of landing pages from 5-10 to 10-15.[2]


Landing pages work because:

1) they attract qualified leads.

By clicking on your link, users demonstrate an interest in your company and your offerings. Because these viewers are farther along in the buyer’s journey, you can make the ask for their email or contact information with better results.

2) they’re hyper-focused on one goal.

The rest of your website is designed for easy access to tons of information about your brand—visitors might peruse your team bios, the range of products you have to offer, or customer testimonials.

 But landing pages are effective at funneling customers to one offer because they cut out the clutter. There aren’t any extra links or content to distract users, which makes them more likely to convert. one offer = one landing page = one call-to-action.  

3) they’re targeted to a specific audiences.

With separate landing pages, you can reach different regions, or take different tactics for new and returning customers.

Subscribers to your email newsletter already know what you’re about and have agreed to read more—you can direct them to a landing page with a free trial or discount that might encourage them to make a purchase. If you’re trying to build awareness, use a landing page to offer free educational content like videos, infographics, or whitepapers.


The Landing Page checklist

  1. Keep it simple

Leave off the menus, navigation bars, and social media footers so potential customers don’t wander away. A survey from Unbounce found that pages with one call-to-action (meaning one link) had the highest average conversion rate at 13.50%.[3]

  1. An attention-grabbing headline
  2. Brief, to-the-point copy

Make it easy to read short paragraphs and jargon-free language. Content should be focused and specific to the keywords or ad that drove viewers to the page.

  1. Striking imagery

Make the most of the simple layout with arresting visuals that draw in your viewers. According to Xerox, color images increase readership by 80%.[4]

  1. One compelling all to action (CTA)

Ask the reader to do one thing consistently throughout, whether you want them to sign up for a webinar, subscribe to a newsletter, or download some long-form content. Make the CTA clear and instantly visible on the page with an obvious button and bold colors.

  1. Simplified contact forms

Only ask for the information you need—lengthy forms could deter customers who don’t want to take the time to fill out all those fields or to share that much private information.

  1. Appeal to credibility

Why should potential customers trust you? Video testimonials from real customers can make your brand feel more relatable and human—and according to, using video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%.[5] Using reviews with quantified results from big-name companies also provides proof that you can deliver on your promises.

  1. Follow-up

Once users click (congrats!), direct to a page with clear next steps for any longform content or trial offers. A thank you goes a long way towards nurturing those relationships and leads.







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